WordPress is one of those blogging platforms that have stayed in trend, while many others have come and gone. First established in 2003, it was just a simple and omnipresent site for blogging. Through the years, WordPress has gone through many changes and has now become a favored and excellent open-source platform for web development. According to Yoast, 20-25% of all kinds of new websites use WordPress for content management.

Top-level brands like BBC America, Sony Music, Microsoft News, The Walt Disney Company, and much more work on WordPress. Even the biggest celebrities such as Jay-Z, Katy Perry, Serena Williams, and several others utilize WordPress’s designing and development on their websites. 

If you want to build a website and make it popular as fast as possible, WordPress is the best way. 

Let’s discuss why you should use WordPress for your website.

1.Low cost and value for money

You no longer have to pay a huge sum of money for designing and developing a website. Creating and maintaining a website with WordPress is cheap and whatever money you spend is worth the result. You don’t need to hire a professional designer to update the content on the website.

2.Remote access

You can access and manage your website regardless of your location. All you need is a good internet connection. In WordPress, you can use themes and plugins easily. WordPress websites or blog  is very easy to handle with WordPress theme  

3.Default Search Engine Optimization

WordPress has in-built codes that make a website rank higher on Google. This makes WP SEO-friendly. While other businesses work on SEO from scratch, a site built with WP already gives you a good start. You can also work on SEO for each page and make your chosen web page rank higher on search engines.

4.Convenient transfer of content

Every new content posted on your website automatically goes to RSS feed. Then people who find it interesting can easily share your content on different websites and platforms, earning more traffic for your website. So it is easier for the business to get popular on WordPress.

5.Responsive web design

Nowadays, people make use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices more than a laptop or a desktop computer. Therefore, it has become vital for all websites to have a responsive web design and make it versatile for all kinds of devices and screens. WordPress has this technology by default. You won’t need to work on separate websites and designs for different devices.

6.Easy upgradation

All websites need to be upgraded from time to time. However, bringing in new features with manual coding is not a piece of cake. WordPress software has got this covered as well. It has plugins that can be installed easily with no more than three simple steps. 

Since WordPress sites are using users to keep track of all the best practices, you won’t take much time to look for new plugins yourself. 

7.Perfect for content marketing

A website with fresh and quality content is extremely important in today’s day and age. On WordPress, you have the freedom to add new content as frequently as you want, without going through too many complex steps. Also, adding special designs to the website for special occasions such as holidays and festivals is extremely easy With frequent new content management systems and design, your site will become trustworthy and attract new traffic towards itself.

8.Social media connection

Sites developed with WordPress are flawlessly connected to all social media networks. Whenever there is some new content on your site, you can let your connections on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. know about them without having to log on to those networks separately. 

9.Website security

When WordPress was first established, it was criticized a lot for poor security. But now this idea has been proven false. You can make your website hacking-proof with professional WordPress web designers and developers. You might not get this facility on other platforms.

10.Effortless transfer between different designers

Generally, companies have a number of designers working on their websites to make it the best one out there. This used to be difficult, since different designers prefer different platforms. You will not face this problem on WordPress. It functions on a universal and open source platform which makes it extremely easy to move between designers.

These advantages are too much to be ignored. Whether you have a startup or an established business, developing a website with WordPress will help you grow faster than ever. These number of in-built features are not likely to be present on other platforms.